Can You Lose Your Hearing by Dancing?


More likely you would lose it by NOT dancing, but by listening too much with the volume turned up on your iPod or iPhone, or other device, because many of the earbuds in use aren’t very effective so people turn up the volume.Studies have found that users of these Apple devices can be listening at 100-105 decibels. This is well above the OSHA-recommended 85 decibels.

Remember, ears that get damaged stay damaged. They can’t be repaired. And when people talk about decibels (dBA), which is how loudness is measured, we need to remember that they are logarithmic, so that a small increase in the number means a big increase in the noise level (adding 10 dBA DOUBLES the noise level). In the case of dancers, OSHA’s estimate of 110 decibels for discotheques means that the well-advised dancer should limit their dancing in such establishments.

At most of the dinner-dances and dance parties we at Wilddancer attend, the music volume is within safe limits. But we attend as many galas as we can, as they nearly always have dancing, to either a band or a DJ (sometimes a worse bet volume-wise because he has lots of watts at his command). Unfortunately, they almost always have live auctions too, and often when the auctioneer comes on the sound gets louder. (A similar boost happens sometimes when the ads play on radio or TV.)

Fortunately, loudness meters—either standalone models or apps for smartphones—are not expensive, and the serious dancer shouldn’t worry about looking a bit geeky using them. More simply, he/she can always carry earplugs, and use them when things get too loud. It’s a lot better than suffering hearing loss for the rest of his/her life.

Women Are Much More Enthusiastic Than Men About Social Dancing

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Why do men die young(er) than women? There are lots of reasons. One of those reasons is “It’s Always the Man’s Fault.” That is especially true in social dancing, not only because that is chivalrous, but also because the man is in charge (he leads, she follows). In fact, it is one of the few times that a woman has to do exactly what a man tells her to do. But that causes a lot of stress and strain of leading. We have heard dance teachers opine that it takes a man four times as long as a woman to learn a dance figure.

Debonair Dancers Survey Helps Boost Membership

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It takes effort to keep ANY group intact and lively. This goes double when there is natural attrition that requires replacing members. But what KIND of effort is best? Wilddancer’s mission is to advise and suggest ways to maintain or increase membership. One of the best ways is to tap the members themselves for ideas, and Wilddancer helped the Silicon Valley-based Debonair Dancers dinner-dance group do just that in a survey of their members during the first calendar quarter of 2013. (Debonair Dancers’ membership had fallen well below their long-term 100-couple level (they formerly had a waiting list), so concerns were growing.) The results of that survey are at survey. The last page of that report lists more than 25 ideas, and the board and members have already followed up on several of them, resulting in a membership boost of more than 20% during the ensuing six months. In effect, the survey acted as a catalyst to remind members of the situation and energize them to act.

Wilddancer Helps Survey Debonair Dancers Dinner-Dance Group Members

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Couples dancing is social dancing. Even for long-married couples, romance is in the air. And the opportunity to enjoy a nice meal (and drinks) while talking with old friends or making new ones is a wonderful prelude to an evening of dancing. But it takes some effort to keep a dinner-dance group intact and lively. One such group is Debonair Dancers, located in Silicon Valley (where there are lots of other things to do). We at Wilddancer served as their consultant to survey their members during the first calendar quarter of 2013. You can see the results at survey.