The gigantic marketing power of the NFL has made the Super Bowl more important than many of our national holidays, but only a few dozen players are getting exercise. And even the combined roster of the entire NFL is a drop in the bucket compared with the millions of fans sitting and watching in stadiums and on TV (and eating too much often-unhealthy food). Meanwhile, according to the Wall Street Journal, many youth team sports are declining, as the youths prefer to spend increasing amounts of time with videogames and social networking (and watch their waistlines grow). Both adults and youths would be better off doing some—any!—form of dancing than just sitting. And unlike football, baseball, or other pros, they can dance their entire life. Interestingly, after all the hype leading up to the Super Bowl, the uneven score (and other missteps that infuriated many fans) may actually mark the end of the growth in the NFL.
Super Bowl, Declining Youth Team Sports, Underscore Decline in Physical Activity